Ready Player One: Spielberg vede lontano

[English version at the bottom] Sono appena tornata dal cinema, erano mesi che non ci andavo. È Pasqua, la giornata perfetta per un film. Fra tutti, scegliere è stato facile (qui il trailer). Una fiaba, non Orwell. Il grande vecchio è amorevolmente paterno e i cattivi muoiono o vengono neutralizzati (Spielberg è davvero tanto tanto […]

“To Reveal Art and Conceal the Artist is Art’s Aim” (O. Wilde)

Wilde wrote so in his Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray, meaning that Art (with capital A) exists absolutely, that is, as an absolute and thanks to its own power, despite the fact that the creative hand must be human. On the other hand, the Grand Tour did exactly that: show Art’s work magnificently […]

2017: an EEExtraordinary Year

It is time for me to celebrate the conclusion of an absolutely extraordinary year and my first birthday on virtual worlds. Exactly one year ago I shyly joined my first EVO class on Second Life. It was not my first EVO class, neither was it my first day on that virtual world – I just […]

Celebrating Through Arts in Virtual Worlds

Human beings remain human even when they wear the most extraordinary avatars in a completely digital (mind, not “unreal”) environment, and therefore keep busy having fun, socializing and creating. Wherever it is possible to have the three aspects together, avatars multiply and thrive. I would not say, nevertheless, that this is nothing “serious”. Very often […]